Terms of use

A. In general
The aim of creating this website is to provide information and services to its users-visitors. The use of the Website is governed by the following terms and conditions, and assumes full and unreserved acceptance by the user. To continue, the user is asked, after carefully reading the terms below, to choose their acceptance by clicking on the corresponding icon located below. In case of disagreement, he is asked not to use this Website.
The terms and conditions listed on this Website as well as any national, community or international legislation that concerns or is related to the Internet or the World Wide Web in general, bind all visitors or users of the Website. The Company may at any time at its discretion revise these Terms and Conditions or establish more specific terms of use which prevail over the more general ones in case of conflict, by updating this Website at the corresponding point. Use of the Website by the visitor - user after being informed of the applicable terms of use, implies their acceptance.
The Company makes reasonable efforts to maintain and ensure the availability of the Website and its Content. However, it should be noted that availability is a function of various factors such as user equipment, other communications networks, or the large number of people trying to connect to the Internet at the same time. The Company has the discretion to carry out maintenance of the Website, to change its nature and content, to interrupt or suspend its operation at any time, without notice. Also, the operation of the Website may be interrupted, suspended or hindered either permanently or temporarily due to events beyond the control/influence of the Company or regardless of its will.
The Company makes every effort to ensure that the content of the Website will include complete, accurate, clear, valid, informative, current, true and non-misleading information. In any case, however, no liability, commitment or guarantee of any kind arises from the Company related to the security and the Content of the Website. Visitors-users of the Website accept the possibility that the Company cannot control all of the Content of the Website and its services. In addition, the Company does not guarantee that the use of the information, elements or materials included in the Content of the Website by users / visitors will not infringe the rights of third parties.
The use of the Website by each user is at his sole responsibility. The content of this Website does not constitute and cannot under any circumstances be interpreted as providing advice, directly or indirectly urging users to take any action. The evaluation of the content of this Website is up to each user who assumes responsibility for the use of any part of it.
On the Company's Website, for reasons of convenience and service to its users, the practice of referring through "links", hyperlinks or banners to other websites has been followed, for the content, the services provided, the terms of use, the security policy, the legality and the validity of which, the Company does not guarantee and therefore bears no responsibility whatsoever. Consequently, the connection with them is carried out under the individual responsibility of each user. The providers of these Websites have full civil and criminal responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content of their websites and services. Users' obligations include compliance with the terms of use of these websites. For any problem arising from the use / visit of these websites, users are invited to contact the respective providers.

B. Intellectual and industrial property
Intellectual property is acquired without any wording and without the need for a non-infringement clause. The Website and its Content constitute the intellectual and industrial property of the Company and are subject to the protection of the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law. The Content of the Website includes all trademarks, distinctive features, patents, names, texts, images, graphics, designs, photographs, programs, informational material of any form, data, software, unless otherwise stated for specific rights of third parties.
It is pointed out that according to Law 2121/1993 (as amended and in force today), the Berne International Convention (ratified by Law 100/1975) and the relevant provisions on the protection of intellectual property on the internet, it is expressly prohibited in any form copy, modify, interfere, transfer, distribute, resell, rent, republish, reproduce, retransmit in electronic or mechanical form, store, print, create a derivative work, upload (download) by anyone or mislead the public about the real carrier of the Website Content. Products, services, brand, trademarks or distinguishing features of third parties that appear on the Company's Website are the intellectual and industrial property of the third parties, who also bear the relevant responsibility.
The trademarks, logos, distinguishing features that appear on the Website and the depictions of persons or places or things that are part of its Content are the property of the Company or third parties. Their use is strictly prohibited without securing prior written permission from the Company, unless there is a different provision in the current terms of use. The content of the Website does not constitute and in no case should be construed as granting an express or implied license or right to use any Trademark appearing on the Website without the written permission of the Company or third parties who may own the Trademarks appearing on she.
The information submitted to the Company through this Website is considered non-confidential and does not constitute the property of the user in question. Property of the Company constitutes as much as possible, everything transferred or retransmitted or sent through this Website. The Company may collect limited information about its commercial activities.

C. Liability of the company
The company exposes its website and online store on the world wide web on a trial basis and without any guarantee. Users are asked not to visit it if they do not trust it. Users are also advised to use anti-virus and anti-malware software.
Any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or consequential damages resulting from any user's access to the Website, or its use, do not give rise to the responsibility of the Company, or its executives, or its directors, or its employees or partners, or of any of its representatives, In addition, it must be emphasized that everything contained on the Website is provided to users "as is", without any guarantee.
The company is not responsible for damages and costs that arise in relation to this Website, its use, or the inability to use it, by any person, or in relation to impossibility of execution, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or broadcast or system line drop. In the event that damage, damage, or infection by electronic viruses is caused to the computer or other electronic means used by a user to access / visit / use the Website or to download any material, data, text, images, video, or audio of its Content, the Company bears absolutely no responsibility.
The products and services available through the website are provided to the users - visitors of the online store "as is". The Company does not guarantee that the content of this Website and the quality of the services provided will meet the requirements and expectations of users. The Company does not bear any responsibility for any legal or civil or criminal claims related to the operation or use of the Website, nor for any positive, special or consequential damage caused either by visitors to the website or by third parties.
The Company is not responsible or liable in any way for any claim related to the Content of the Website, nor for any error, simple or slanderous defamation, libel, insult, omission, falsehood, profanity, pornography, blasphemy, risk or inaccuracy found in the Content of the Website.
It is noted that none of the terms of use of the Website affect the statutory rights of consumers.

D. User Obligations
Users are required to use the website in a manner consistent with good manners and the present conditions, and to refrain from any illegal and abusive behavior, as well as from the adoption of illegal practices and practices of unfair competition. They must comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications and data transmission from Greece to Member States of the European Union and third countries. The visitor of the Website is obliged not to prevent its use by third parties and not to perform actions or omissions that can damage the operation of the Website, affect or endanger the provision of the company's services. If the visitor of the Website uses it in an illegal way or in a way that opposes these terms, he is obliged to compensate the Company for any positive or consequential damage.
Users are prohibited from sending/transferring/transacting material through the Website that could be considered illegal, threatening, harmful, libelous, abusive, defamatory, offensive, pornographic, blasphemous, annoying, vulgar, obscene, or any material that could constitute or encourage illegal or criminal conduct, or constitute an invasion of another's privacy, or express racial, ethnic or other discrimination.
Since through the Company's Website it is possible to conduct conversations on the wider Internet, this should be done on the basis of the conditions dictated by the Code of Conduct for INTERNET Users ("NETIQUETTE"). Users of the Website are expressly prohibited from engaging in unfair competitive practices or other practices that oppose NETIQUETTE.
In case of non-compliance of the visitors-users of the Website with the present terms of use and the applicable law, the Company reserves its right to take any necessary action such as in particular prohibiting their access to all or part of the services provided through the Website as well as editing, moving and deleting messages, respecting the principle of proportionality.
In the event that the Company becomes involved in any legal battle or is called upon to pay any kind of compensation, due to a violation by the user of his obligations, which derive from these terms, the user will be required to pay compensation to the Company.

E. Applicable Law - Litigation

The specific terms and conditions as well as any amendment thereof shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Greek law. If any provision is deemed invalid or voidable, it automatically ceases to be valid, without in any way affecting the validity of the remaining terms. For any dispute arising from the use of the Website, the competent courts of Athens have jurisdiction.